Thursday, February 10, 2011

Love, Sex, and to be Reunited with Old Friends is Sweeter the Second Time Around

And what about the title? Well, it's to stir every suspicion you have.

Meet Dr. Rolando Bantaculo. He's my physics teacher in college and one of the best buddies I have when i was in Japan. A very lively guy who's always willing to accompany me anywhere, that is, if he's in good mood. In good mood. Several times I've been unfriended from his Facebook, and it will take weeks to regain that sacred spot on his friends' list. All those years I thought I knew him well, but I kept offending her several times. Yup, that's a 'her' because I'm attempting to offend you one more time. Just kidding, Sir!

I have plenty of memories with Sir Rolly, as I fondly call him when he's around. When he's not, Landing or Gi-atch will do. It only felt like yesterday in April 2007 when he gave me that warm hug in one cold spring in Sendai. Then we began learning about each other and enjoyed the company often. He's had the most colorful personality.

Picture taken during Koichirou's baptismal. Koichirou is the son of Ate Rose and Matsuki-sensei, a Japanese medical doctor. Behind us is Kuya U, yes U, the best cook and older brother in Sendai.

If I had to make a list of the most memorable events we've had, it will be this:

1. The trip to Disneyland in May 2007
2. Our first trip back home in December 2007
3. The feud with Kuya Kevin (first FB unfriend event)
4. The feud with Nanding (another FB unfriend moment)
5. Several sleepovers in his apartment and our plans to conspire on something
6. Endless Charice moments
7. The iPhone moment

8. The McDonald's wifi piggybacking sessions

9. Strolling around electronic shops

10. "I lost my bag"

Waaah! There's too many to contain them in one entry. Anyway, that's just a glimpse of Sir Rolly, one of the shapers during my early- to mid-twenties.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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